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Our state (and our country) need to restrain spending at a level below revenues. The diversion of gas-tax revenue from highway programs to other uses should end. We must balance the state budget and maintain this balanced budget. This is a simple and responsible measure that is expected of all households within our state and country and must be expected from our government as well.
MYTH #1: Government spending grows the economy by pumping new money into it. 
FACT: Every dollar that government "injects" into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed from families, businesses, or other nations.
MYTH #2: Government spending makes people more productive. 
FACT: Government spending often encourages behavior that has bad economic consequences.
MYTH #3: The federal government should bail out faltering industries and states to revive the economy. 
FACT: Bailouts harm the economy because they reward reckless private and state spending, leaving it unchecked and effectively encouraging more of the same in the future.
MYTH #4: Public works projects stimulate the economy by creating new jobs.
FACT: In the short run, public works projects have no real effect on overall unemployment. They simply displace resources that could be used to create jobs in the private sector and move those resources to the government payroll.
MYTH #5: Tax cuts simply pad the pockets of the rich without helping a weak economy. 
FACT: Smart tax cuts encourage work, savings, and investment to help stimulate economic growth that benefits people across the board.


source: ( /reports/2009/07/the-economy-hits-home-what-makes-the-economy-grow)

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