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Vote David W. Binford
November 3rd
-Pro-Choice -
Your choice to live your life with as
little government interference as possible.
I do not believe our state needs a broad-based (sales or income) tax, I believe better fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget are in order for the funds we already receive from the citizens of New Hampshire. I do not believe we need nor should we have any increases in current tax rates, especially for business in our current state during COVID restrictions.
The last legislative term saw a concerted effort to add a "payroll deduction" for Family Medical Leave, which was an opt out, rather than an opt in like most "insurances" are set up. This opt out method was cumbersome and designed so that more people would be involved in the plan, which only a few people would take advantage of. Instead of this approach we should deregulate the insurance markets, allow for viable companies to compete for business within NH by their offering products that consumers want at rates they can afford.
To see my stance on other issues click one of topics below.
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